Year 5 - Mr Evans
Croeso I Dosbarth 5E Welcome to Year 5E
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page! Here you will find lots of useful information about our class. This page will be updated regularly with the work the children do to showcase all of their fantastic learning!
Mr Evans
Miss Kennedy
Useful Information
Our P.E. lessons take place on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E. kit so they are able to fully take part.
Pupils have the option of having toast in school every morning for 20p a day. Please bring £1 in on a Monday. Pupils are also allowed to bring in fruit to eat at play time.
Home-School Folders
Each pupil has been given a home-school folder that they are now responsible for. We would be very grateful if you could read at home with your child and fill out their reading record book as often as possible. They will then be given a new book to take home.
Pupils will be given homework or a list of spelling words to learn each week.
Homework will be handed out on a Monday and will need to be returned to school on a Friday.
Music Lessons
Year 5 pupils have the option to take part in guitar (Monday), violin (Thursday) and recorder (Thursday) lessons every week.
Fast Fashion
Our inquiry in the Autumn Term will focus on 'Fast Fashion'. The children will be introduced to the impact our clothes have on our planet.
Did you know...?
-100 billion items of clothes are produced around the world each year.
-Some types of clothes take around 200 years to decompose.
-The fashion industry is responsible for around 10% of our carbon dioxide emissions each year.
Can Fashion Be Sustainable? l BBC Earth
Our Classroom Climate
Throughout the year, the children will be involved with a project called Our Classroom Climate which aims to teach them about climate change and ways to reduce their own carbon footprint. As part of the project, the children will grow algae in the classroom. Algae absorbs carbon dioxide, making the air in our classroom 'cleaner' and 'greener'.
Did you know...?
-You can eat algae. It's actually very healthy and contains around 50% protein.
-Algae absorbs carbon dioxide 400 times faster than trees.
-High levels of carbon dioxide can make you feel unwell and make it hard to concentrate. In our classroom, we monitor carbon dioxide levels to make it a better place to learn.
Below is a sneak peak of some of the things we will be learning this year...