Year 6 - Mrs Aktins
Croeso i Dosbarth 6A
Welcome to Year 6A
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page! Here you will find lots of useful information about our class. This page will be updated regularly with the work the children do to showcase all of their fantastic learning!
Mrs Atkins
Mrs Rolfe
Mrs Thomas
Useful Information
Our P.E. lessons take place on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E. kit so they are able to fully take part.
Pupils have the option of having toast in school every morning for 20p a day. Please bring £1 in on a Monday. Pupils are also allowed to bring in fruit to eat at play time.
Pupils will be given homework or a list of spelling words to learn each week.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and will need to be returned to school the following Friday.
Pupils choose from the menu below for their thematic homework. Pupils must complete 4 tasks by 22nd December and share their work with Mrs Atkins on paper, J2e or Teams.
Homework Menu
A Child's War
This unit of work will teach pupils all about World War II and the impact it had on our local community. They will learn when and why World War II began and find out about the key individuals and countries involved. In addition to this, they will discover all about evacuation; learn what it was like to live with food rationing and explore the contribution made by women to the war effort.
We Like to Move it
In this inquiry, pupils will explore dance culture around the world. They will develop cultural dance, textile and musical skills and knowledge. Pupils will have opportunities to watch and take part in cultural dance, explore the clothing from different cultures and discuss the importance of respecting each other and our beliefs.
Blood Heart
In this inquiry, pupils will explore the circulation system. They will investigate how blood is pumped around the body, enabling them to become ambitious and capable individuals. Pupils will have opportunities to dissect an animal heart and analyse and question the way in which blood travels around the body. They will explore the steps we need to take in order to keep our hearts healthy.