Year 6 - Mrs Phillips
Croeso i Flwyddyn 6
Welcome to Blwyddyn 6
Athrawes Dosbarth - Mrs Phillips
Class Teacher - Mrs Phillips
TA – Mrs Morrsion
Gwybodaeth Bwysig / Important Information
Ymarfer Corff / P.E.
P.E. day is Thursday. Please ensure that your child wears a t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and trainers every week. Please label all items of clothing with your child's name.
Dydd Iau yw diwrnod ymarfer corff. Sicrhewch fod eich plentyn yn gwisgo chrys, tracwisg ac esgidiau ymarfer corff yn wythnosol. Mae'n rhaid i bob dilledyn gael ei labeli gydag enw eich plentyn os gwelwch yn dda.
Gwaith Cartref / Homework
Homework is weekly. It is always linked to what your child has been learning in class that week. It will be a Literacy, Numeracy or a Theme homework each week on a rotational basis.
Mae gwaith cartref yn cael ei osod yn wythnosol. Mae'r gwaith cartref yn seiliedig ar yr hyn mae eich plentyn wedi bod yn dysgu yn ystod yr wythnos. Bydd y gwaith cartref yn cylchdroi yn wythnosol i fod yn ddarn o waith Llythrennedd, Rhifedd neu Thema. Bydd gwaith cartref yn cael ei osod ar TEAMS.
Spelling words will be given on a Monday - spelling test, every Friday.
Rhoddir geiriau sillafu ar ddydd Llun - bydd profion ar ddydd Gwener.
This is a step-by-step guide explaining how to access the work provided on HWB/Teams.
Log onto HWB
- Log in using your username and password.
- click on to Office 365.
- click on Teams.
Your homework will be in the ‘Year 6' channel.
Llyfrau Darllen / Reading Books
We encourage your child to read daily. Reading books, magazines or something on-line. Reading regularly will support your child with day-to-day work in school. Reading books can be taken home from class library or opened digitally in individual Giglets account. Your child will have log in details.
Rydym yn annog eich plentyn i ddarllen bob dydd. Darllen llyfrau, cylchgronau neu rywbeth ar-lein. Bydd darllen yn rheolaidd yn cefnogi eich plentyn yn ei waith o ddydd i ddydd yn yr ysgol.
Ffrwyth / Fruit
Pupils are welcome to bring a piece of fruit to school to have during the morning break daily.
Mae croeso i blant ddod â darn o ffrwyth i'r ysgol i fwyta yn ystod egwyl y bore.
Toast is available daily. £1 a week. To be paid on a Monday morning
Mae tost ar gael bob dydd. £1 yr wythnos. I'w dalu ar fore ddydd Llun.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child's education and/or well-being, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Phillips or any other member of staff.
Theme Homework
A Child's War
This unit of work will teach pupils all about World War II and the impact it had on our local community. They will learn when and why World War II began and find out about the key individuals and countries involved. In addition to this, they will discover all about evacuation; learn what it was like to live with food rationing and explore the contribution made by women to the war effort.
We Like to Move it
In this inquiry, pupils will explore dance culture around the world. They will develop cultural dance, textile and musical skills and knowledge. Pupils will have opportunities to watch and take part in cultural dance, explore the clothing from different cultures and discuss the importance of respecting each other and our beliefs.
Blood Heart
In this inquiry, pupils will explore the circulation system. They will investigate how blood is pumped around the body, enabling them to become ambitious and capable individuals. Pupils will have opportunities to dissect an animal heart and analyse and question the way in which blood travels around the body. They will explore the steps we need to take in order to keep our hearts healthy.
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