Nursery (Meithrin) Mrs Hughes
Nursery Handbook
Croeso i'r Dosbarth Meithrin. Meet our staff and have a look around our classrooms.
Croeso i'r Dosbarth Meithrin - Welcome to the Nursery Class
Nursery Information
Working in our class this term we have Mrs. Hughes - Class Teacher, Mrs. E. Evans, Miss Edmunds, Miss. Lydia, Miss A. Jones, Miss D Jones, Mrs Studholme, Miss Rees and Mr Zac.
Day | Activity | Information |
Everyday | Fruit | We are continuing the ‘snack area’ this term where children access fruit and milk anytime throughout their session. In order to facilitate this, we are asking for children to bring in a piece of fruit (labelled/peeled/placed in a pot) each day. If no fruit is provided, we are unfortunately unable to offer fruit to your child. A kind reminder that grapes need to be cut lengthways to avoid choking. |
Outdoor activities/ movement activities | Please ensure your child has sensible footwear and clothing for working outdoors and for taking part in movement/ physical activities. We will be going on nature walks daily and ask that you provide your child with an old Winter coat that will be kept in school and sent home when dirty. Wellies can be brought in and kept in school. We have new puddle suits in school. | |
Monday | P.E. | Please ensure that you child is dressed in loose clothing and sensible footwear i.e jogging bottoms, t-shirt and trainers |
Toast (For Full Time children) | If you would like your child to have toast during our afternoon story-time, we ask that you donate 50p each week – this is payable weekly or a number of weeks in advance |
Please ensure that all clothing is labelled/ marked with your child’s name
In Meithrin we follow 'the rhythm of the year' which means that mini inquiries pop up throughout the year.
The structure and security of the daily rhythm of our nursery helps the children form a bridge
between home and the busy world and builds foundations for confidence and a healthy life as the children grow and develop. The nursery day is structured with a rhythm based on concentrated activity and free child initiated play. By maintaining the rhythm the children feel secure in the cycle of the days, weeks and months, through repetition of seasonal activities, festivals, stories and songs. The adults present in the nursery are there to help the children to feel safe within the rhythm, to inspire self-motivated learning and to act as collaborators and worthy role models in the learning process of the children. The Reggio Emilia approach encourages the adults to offer their knowledge and help to the children but most of all, teachers and parents listen, observe, document and encourage children in whatever it is they are interested in doing
Below are different activities that you can use to help your children to continue learning at home. There are also links to different websites which are useful for learning phonics as well as links to different stories, counting activities and yoga!
The activities are also available as PDFs if you scroll down the page - if you click on the link, you can see a larger copy.
Amser Stori Storytime
Choose a song - Dewiswch gân
Learn Welsh with your child - Dysgu Cymraeg gyda'ch plentyn
Outdoor Activities
There are so many benefits of outdoor play. Key benefits include children having freedom and space outside to express themselves and more opportunity for energetic play enhancing health and fitness.
When outside, all of a child's senses are stimulated and there is direct contact with the weather, seasons and natural world. This enables them to learn about risk in a managed environment and how to cope with these risks.
This all contributes to creating a healthy mind, body confidence and a high self-esteem within a child.
We will be investigating in the outdoor areas on a daily basis. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat, hat and gloves during Autumn and Winter. Wellies and an old Winter coat are also essential. A sun hat and sun cream will be required during the Summer term. Ensuring your child has a spare set of clothes as they may get wet and messy during outdoor activities. Wearing sensible footwear to keep your child's feet protected
Having fun during activities.
Thank you all for your continued support!
Mrs. Hughes